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Our Services

Through our programmes and initiatives, we collaborate with partners to deliver impact through research, skills building, technical assistance, convening and innovation. These efforts drive financial sector development, digital transformation, and economic inclusion in Africa and beyond.

Research & Evidence-Building

Cenfri employs a market systems approach using quantitative, qualitative and desktop research. We focus on how the financial sector and digital economy, together with improvements to public policy, can enhance the livelihoods of low-income individuals by increasing resilience and reducing poverty.


Our commitment to data-driven decision-making sees us engage with partners in various aspects, including data engineering support, data governance, strategy consultations, data wrangling, and data analysis. We strive to use data insights to inform better decisions that result in positive outcomes for ordinary people.


Regulatory Guidance & Policy Support

Cenfri collaborates with regulators, supervisors, and policymakers to develop context-appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks in low- and middle-income countries. Our support includes evidence generation through data analysis and research, facilitating scenario building, innovation, and change-management conversations, and providing technical assistance and skills building.


Strategy & Innovation Support

We work with private sector players to design innovative products that contribute to more inclusive communities and businesses. Our impactful Regulating for Innovation frameworks have been tested with financial regulators and supervisors in both Africa and the Middle East. Additionally, we regularly partner with donors and development organisations to develop effective and executable strategies.


Technical Assistance & Skills Building

Cenfri provides sustainable impact through technical assistance for financial intelligence units, central bank departments, private sector product development, and data science training and internships. Our goal is to create a lasting impact that continues beyond the project’s completion.


Programmes and initiatives

Through our programmes and initiatives, we collaborate with partners to deliver impact through research, skills building, technical assistance, convening and innovation. These efforts drive financial sector development, digital transformation, and economic inclusion in Africa and beyond.